Ancestor altar season comes to an end
Making offerings is one of my favorite ways to interact with my ancestor altar. Maybe its just an excuse to make pumpkin cookies or homemade
Ancestor altar season comes to an end
What is on your Samhain Altar?
Samhain/Halloween Spiritual Practice
Fall Equinox: Living in time with the Season
Spring Equinox approaches, celebrate with flowers
Explore the Eight Holidays around the Wheel of the year.
Creating an Imbolc Feast
Celebrate Autumn Equinox
Celebrate Lammas
Summer Solstice Celebrations!
Increasing your Intuition
Working with a spiritual mentor
Celebrating Beltaine May 2022
Celebrating Earth day as a Pagan
Spring Equinox Celebration
Are you having post Samhain Regrets?
Welcome to Moonhill Mystery School
New in-person workshops available through Moonhill Mystery School!