The wheel of the year is a container for nature connection. At least that is how I use this construct. Neo-pagans that identify as Wiccan often use this structure of the year. I like to use this arrangement of holidays because it changes every six weeks, mostly in time with the seasons in my region. We have so many pulls on our attention, in the past I have found it difficult to consistently engage in a daily spiritual practice. Especially living in end-stage capitalism, working for a wage takes up so much of our time and brain space these days. With a practice that changes every six weeks, it gives me time to sink into the current flows and also look forward to the next change of season.

           Spring Equinox most often lands between March 20th -22nd in a given year. However in the year of 2024 this holiday will fall on March 19th in PDT. As we meander towards flowers blooming, tree buds unfurling and the explosion of green tips from deep within earth, we may feel our own stirring of motivation to move projects forward. Hopefully you were able to rest through the winter. So now you have energy to review the aspects of your life you are willing to let go of to make room for your new self. How will you emerge from the slow, cold winter? What has taken root within you? What part of you is ready to reveal itself? What part of you are you ready to cultivate and grow? What part of you are weeding and what parts are you feeding?
This year more than years past, it feels easy for me to get overwhelmed with all of the projects that are ready to launch come springtime. The garden needs cleaning up after multiple winter storms and tree branch debris need to be picked up and returned to the forest. In addition, I prefer to do these tasks when it’s not raining. In the PNW, late winter that can be hard to find time that is not drenched in rainstorms.
For better or for worse, I find myself taking a Marie Kondo approach to my to-do list, what will bring me most satisfaction in completing? Yes this leaves the crummy jobs on the bottom of the list, but I have another trick for those tasks. For the most annoying tasks, I invite a friend over to help me or to parallel play with me. Parallel play might look like someone bringing a box of papers that need to be organized while I clean off my desk. We are working in close proximity but are working independently on our own tasks. This helps me move through an unwanted task with more ease and certainly more joy. Spring cleaning is an easily part of the Spring Equinox seasonal living. Once we dust off the isolation and introspection of winter, we can set about letting go of all that is no longer wanted or needed in our lives!

Celebrating Spring Equinox can look a lot like celebrating Easter. The bunnies and eggs can be symbols of rebirth and the regeneration of earth. The promise of a next generation, a return of the plants and animals is certainly a cause for celebration. Many parts of the Christian holiday Easter were borrowed from Spring Equinox celebrations of the past. Dye eggs, bring bulb flowers indoors to encourage an earlier bloom and decorate with spring flower patterns. Planting seeds in eggs shells, helps bring the inspiration to work in the garden. Bring some of that inspiration indoors to help you transition from winter into spring time.
Personally I like to change some of my home decorations to reflect the season. I change the towels in the guest bathroom to reflect the current season. I change the family altar that lives in the dining area of our home. I do not have a lot of home decorations for spring time. My Samhain home décor boxes rival most people’s Christmas decorations. Mostly my altars change with things like adding egg candles (my favorites some from Big Dipper Wax Works.) I might use a lavender or other pastel-colored altar cloth and I definitely add fresh flowers to the altar. I might change out the kitchen towels in the kitchen area. I use the same ones for each season for years; please know I am not encouraging more consumption of more products. So many things can be purchased second hand or made by hand. One of my favorite hand towels were plain towels hand-embroidered by my sister with seasonal elements. They are not perfect and they are clearly hand-sewn but that makes them more special to me.
As Americans, I think food can play a big role in our celebrations. Just the same as décor, eating many of the same items as are traditionally served at Easter is easy and reasonable response to this non-Christian holiday. Whether you serve a traditional Easter meal on Spring Equinox or you make your own menu, I always recommend that you consider offering a few more dishes then you might at any other night of the week. For instance, I cook a lot of our family meals and there are often one-pot dishes. So for Spring Equinox, I often include a protein, salad, cooked vegetable, grain or potato and dessert. Sometime I will make homemade bread as well. We really only eat desserts on holidays or family celebrations like birthdays so adding a dessert signals my body, mind and spirit that this day is extra special. I know that food prices are outrageous right now so please make the best choices for your family.
Spring cleaning or organizing, doing craft projects and making a special meal are certainly enough tasks to create a memorable Spring Equinox event. These things can be done over a period of time not in one day, necessarily. I often serve our Spring Equinox meal on the actual date of Spring Equinox. Sometimes for me it helps to invite friends to our special dinner. The guests do not need to be pagan or earth-centered believers. They do need to be kind, open-minded and respectful. If not then do not invite them! Inviting guests you can turn this event into a potluck which also helps our minds know that this event is special. Many of us are creating brand new traditions for our families and ourselves so these cues and signals can help make the experience carry more weight and feel more magical and special.
Whatever you do for Spring Equinox, may it bring you closer to your own spirituality and bring you greater joy and connections to your beloveds. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â

Karin Olsen is a healer, a seer and a teacher. She has been studying plants for more than 25 years, owning a herb shop and metaphysical store for almost 15 years. She has been a massage therapist for almost 30 years. Karin learned her psychic medium skills from her mother and see clients via zoom. She teaches classes on earth-based spirituality through Moonhill Mystery School in the Salish Sea area. In 2021 she earned a Master of Ecopsychology from Naropa University.