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Summer Solstice Celebration!

Writer's picture: Karin OlsenKarin Olsen

Updated: May 31, 2024

Summer Solstice is a favorite celebration for my family and I. This turn of the wheel of the year is especially joyful. Being an out-going, playful person Summer Solstice personifies some of my favorite attributes of my friends. We love to invite people over for dinner or go out to eat with beloveds. This time of year beckons us to seek people outside of our close family circles. This is the time of the wide friendship circle, my extroverts friends know what I mean. The introverts will likely be rolling their eyes or shaking their heads. That's ok there is a place for everyone! You do summer solstice your way! Here are some ideas!

The peak of sunshine season is a great time to practice being your most extroverted self. In the northern hemisphere this is the beginning of summer and it carries lots of opportunities to be outside enjoying the weather. Its a great time to reconnect with old or new friends! BBQs, picnics, outdoor dining are all parts of our seasonal celebrations. We often invite friends for dinner or a potluck to celebrate this holiday. Sharing foods, favorite dishes and eating in a casual setting all contribute to big fun of summer solstice.

Here are a few ideas to help you celebrate this extroverted, fun, sunshiny, season.

Summer Solstice Altar suggestions~

I like to use warm colors for my altar during summer solstice since we are in summer in the northern hemisphere. Yellow, gold, other warm colors like burnt orange and brown top my list of colors. I like to think of a sunflower when I am setting my altar.

You can use crystals in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes just letting them sit on your altar with other crystals of the same energy family is how I like to interact with my mineral family. Sometimes I will carry them in my pocket, or wear a necklace with a particular stone. I also use stones in magical crafts like body oil and sprays. Some of my favorite crystals for this season are ruby, clear quartz, yellow citrine, amber, yellow topaz, gold, and silver.

For some folks, plants are a part of their practice. I like to make teas this time of year and interact with herbs by making medicine for winter or other times of year when the plants are not blooming or in their full seasonal vigor, like they are in summer. Some of my favorite plants to preserve are lemon balm and St john's Wort (Klamath weed). I like to dry thyme, sage, and basil for cooking with later. I also like to use fresh herbs in recipe and teas. I love to add nasturtiums, chives and kale to salads straight from the garden. And of course my house is often adorned with bouquets sunflowers as often as possible!

The energy of this season is of excess and full energy, long days means there is more time to see friends or do projects. There is lore that fairies are out and about during the Summer Solstice or Midsommer. So summer solstice is a great time to stay up late or get up early and see the fairies. Although I will also offer a cautionary tale, some cultures do not recommend making connection with fairies. In Ireland for example, the fairies are not to be trifled.

Ritual ideas for summer solstice this year would be a process that is about bringing in the new you. This summer solstice falls shortly after a new moon and this means its a great time to call in the your new experience. What are you brewing? What is the next step for you? What are you ready to create in your life? You can write these things on a piece of paper, be sure to include all of the details. For instance, if you are seeking a new house, write about the backyard, the kind of neighbors you want to have, the care your house needs, the way it feels and so on. Not just the price, color, how many bedrooms, also include the details that will make it feel like YOUR home.

However you celebrate summer solstice, I hope its full of joy, love and friendship. Enjoy this turn of the wheel of the year.

Karin Olsen is a healer, a seer, and a teacher. She has been studying plants for more than 20 years and owned an herb shop and metaphysical store for 15 years. She has been a massage therapist/healer for almost 30 years.

Karin learned her psychic medium skills from her mother and sees clients via Zoom. She teaches classes and is a spiritual coach with a focus on earth-based spirituality through Moonhill Mystery School in the Salish Sea area. In 2021, she earned a Masters of Ecopsychology from Naropa University.

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